Posted on: Tue, 11/19/2024 - 07:18 By: Violet

Treasures of the Shattered Sanctum


Treasures of the Shattered Sanctum is a new Treasures-Style Event in Ultima Online.


~ November 2024 to February 2025 ~

Live on all shards beginning November 19th, 2024


Event Info


• This event takes place in the cities of Britannia

• Every 75 minutes a city of Britannia is invaded by the undead

(Britain, Skara Brae, Minoc, Moonglow, Trinsic, Vesper, Yew, Jhelom, Nujel'm)

• Kill enemies within the invaded city for a chance to have an item "of the Shattered Sanctum" drop into your inventory.

• These "of the Shattered Sanctum" items are the currency for this Event.

• You can turn-in these items to the Artifact Trader within the Britain Commons in West Britain in exchange for points (1:1 ratio).

• Spend your points at the Artifact Trader for items

• All items are Shard Bound


Detailed Reward Info can be found below the Infographic at the bottom of the page.



Treasures of the Shattered Sanctum



Hidden Chests

Hidden chests will appear within a town being invaded.

If you have the Detect Hidden skill you will get a message if you approach the location of a hidden chest:

Using the Detect Hidden skill and targeting the ground near where the chest is located will reveal it

Inside the chest can contain various items, such as:

Artifacts "of the Shattered Sanctum"
Umcommon Deco
Rare Stealables

Uncommon Deco

Shattered Gravestones



Corrupted Ingots



Rare Stealables




Detailed Reward Info


~~ Pages of Lore ~~









~~ Moldering Ursine ~~

This is a 2-slot trainable pet.

This pet is mountable.

View Bestiary





Stats are static:



~~ Zombie Horse ~~

This is a decorative item that makes a sound when double-clicked and comes with a subtext that randomizes between invasion towns.

~~ Grasping Zombie ~~

This is a decorative item that can "grab" you and make you fall down and comes with a subtext that randomizes between invasion towns.

~~ Climbing Zombie ~~

This is a decorative item that makes a sound and makes you bleed when you walk over it and comes with a subtext that randomizes between invasion towns.


~~ Necrotic Brazier ~~

This works as a Luck Statue and comes with a subtext that randomizes between invasion towns.

~~ Zombie Tapestry ~~

Deeded item that can be placed facing east or south in a house to create a tapestry.