Posted on: Wed, 10/16/2024 - 17:34 By: Violet

Ultima Online Publish 118.1

~ From the Publish 118.1 Patch Notes ~


118.1 Publish Notes and Additional Information



New Nightmares

 Evil magics corrupt the lands!  Tame 5 new rare colored Nightmares to add to your pet collection.  Additional Nightmare spawns have been added to the Covetous Mountains (Fel & Tram), Hythloth Level 4 (Fel & Tram), The Southern Lost Lands (Fel & Tram)

New Hues:

Top Row: Normal Color, 1910 (current rare hue), 2764, 1194
Bottom Row: 2768, 2753 (deamonic forces), 1171

Totem of Chromatic Fortune - 300 Sov

Totem of Chromatic Fortune is a store item that increases the spawn chance of certain animals, including nightmares. It lasts 20 minutes per charge with three charges total and gives the owner of the totem and their guildmates and/or party members the exclusive chance to tame any rare creatures that spawn during it's duration.






Pirate Flag           Blackbeard Flag              flag3

Black Market Update

 "New pirate flags are available in the black market!  Collect 3 different flags can be placed on the addon pad on Britannia ships."


Skull and Bones

Skull and Swords

Blackbeard Flag



skull 1    skull 2     skull 3

Player Death Skulls

 "unlucky enough to face death this Halloween season?  You’re in luck!  Exact your revenge on zombie skeletons and collect 3 new styles of skulls depicting different unfortunate ways of having met your maker!"


mask 1      mask 2     mask 3

Decorative Halloween Masks

"Fresh collectible masks are available as an uncommon drop on Grimms found in pumpkin patches across Sosaria!  Collect all 3!"

Rest of Patch Notes:


Echoes of the Blighted Realm – Shadow’s Awakening


  • Treasure Chests will have a chance to contain a Cursed Antiquity within
    • The antiquities will appear in treasure chests with a frequency based on the difficulty of the chest.
    • The higher the level of the chest, the more antiquities you can find!
    • Antiquities come in a variety of random prefixes and suffixes
    • Antiquities come in a variety of common and rare hues (see below


  • Opening Treasure Chests will have a chance to spawn the Manifestation of Evil

    • All players will contribute towards the spawning of the boss by opening treasure chests of any level.

    • Progress towards spawning the boss increases with the difficulty of treasure chests opened.

    • Players can battle the Manifestation of Evil for a chance to collect special rewards, including rare items in rare hues.

    • When the Manifestation of Evil is summoned, players that have been treasure hunting will be notified of the boss’s location

    • Town Criers will also notify players when the Manifestation of Evil has been spotted


  • New Tamable: Shadow Hound
    • This pet has a chance to appear during the battle with the Manifestation of Evil




We will provide further details when patch is out on TC1.

Antiquity Items and Colors

Hue 2696 Hue 2707 Hue 2709 Hue 2711 Hue 2713 Hue 2714 Hue 2715 Hue 2769 Hue 2761 Hue 2767 Hue 2768 Hue 2770
Stang (2601)
stang2696 stang2707 stang2709 stang 2711 stand2713 stang2714 stang2715 wstang2769hat stang2761 stang2767 stang2768 stang2770
Urn (2886)
urn1-2696 urn1-2707 urn1-2709 urn1-2711 Urn1-2713 Urn1-2714 Urn1 urn1-2769 urn1-2761 urn1-2767 urn1-2768 urn1-2770
Urn (2888)
urn1-2696 x x x x x x x x x x x
Jars (3662)
jars2696 jars2707 jars2709 jars2711 jars2713 jars2714 jars2715 jars2769 jars2761 jars2767 jars2768 jars2770
Statue (5019)
x x x x x x statue2769 statue2761 statue2767 statue2768 statue2770
Cruet (41450)
Cruet (41452)
Ritual Beads (4235)
x x x x x x x x x x x x
Tarot Cards (4773)
x x x x x x x x x x x x
Chalice (2483)
x x x x x x x x x x x x
Skull (6883)
x x x x x x x x x x x x
Rune (3676)
                x x x x
Rune (3679)
                x x x x
Rune (3682)
x x x x x x x x x x
Rune (3685)
Rune (3688)
Manuscripts (3094)
Scrying Orb (42871)



Item Prefix and Suffix



of Shadows
of Despair
of Decay
of Dread
of Corruption
of Eternal Darkness



Manifestation of Evil Drops:


Spellbook - Hue 2768



Tabard - Hue 2768


Bulwark of Light Shield - Hue 2498


Bulwark of Shadows Shield 

shadow shield


Shadow's Fury Bow



Personalize Lantern of Shadows -  Hue 2726


Reward Title "Purifier"



Reward Title "Lightbringer"


Reward Title "Relic Hunter"

title three