Publish 110: First Look
Peculiar Coconut & Palm Trees Purchase a Peculiar Coconut from the Black Market Vendor for 75,000 Doubloons. |
Orchids Purchased from the Black Market Vendor for 15,000 Doubloons. Can spawn in Common and Rare Hues.
Common Hues
Rare Hues
As Orchids naturally grow on trees, they can can be placed on the new palms.
Snow Elemental Statuette 2nd Year Veteran Reward |
Mummy Statuette 2nd Year Veteran Reward |
Yew Tree Statuette 6th Year Veteran Reward |
Black Gate Statuette 8th Year Veteran Reward |
Book Straps 3rd Year Veteran Reward
There are 2 different types of Book Straps. One for Spellbooks and one for Runebooks. |
Gargish Totem of Essence 7th Year Veteran Reward Generates 1 random imbuing essence per week (max 10) Dyeable with regular, pigment and promotional dyes. |
Enchanted Soulstone Vessel Purchased from the UO Sovereign Store Becomes Account Bound upon locking it down. |
Pet Castle Purchased from the UO Sovereign Store Can be placed in a house and acts as a Hitching Post, Holds up to 30 charges and can be recharged with a Hitching Rope. Can face South or East. The deed can be dyed with various pigments. Examples of the Pet Castle dyed with Tokuno Pigments. |
Hook's Shield Can be purchased from the Black Market Vendor for 200,000 Doubloons.
Can be dyed:
Pirate Shield [Crafted] Recipe can be purchased from the Black Market Vendor for 50,000 Doubloons. Creates a Pirate Shield which can be imbued or Transmogrified. Can be crafted with special wood: Note: Cannot be used as a Transmogrify Target if crafted with special wood. Can be dyed with Natural Dyes when crafted with Plain Wood. Additionally, can be dyed with Pigments and Promotional Dyes if crafted with Special Wood, Reforged, or Enhanced.
Hook's Treasure Chest Can be purchased from the Black Market Vendor for 180,000 Doubloons. Acts like a normal container that can be secured. Switches animations between Open and Closed as you use it. Dyeable with regular, furniture, promotional and pigment. |
Reward Titles Can be purchased from the Black Market Vendor for Doubloons (prices listed above). Rewards you with the corresponding title once used. |
Fellowship Medallion The Fellowship Medallion is required to complete The Jolly Roger Quest and was brought back as a way for players to once again acquire the item. |
Wildfire Ostard The Wildfire Ostard is a new pet that will be obtainable from a future Dynamic Treasures Event, Treasures of Wildfire. It is a 3-slot mountable Ostard Pet with stats and abilities similar to a Bane Dragon. It is a new Hue 2758. |
Transmogrification Potions (Head Slot & Shield Slot) Purchased from the UO Sovereign Store Allows you to transfer the properties from one items to another item, of the appropriate slot.
Book & Pages of Lore (Note: The above Book is an example from Test Center) Pages of Lore can be added to a Book of Lore to create a full Story Book. Pages of Lore are rumored to drop from a future Dynamic Champion Spawn. |
Testing of Improved Pet Messaging When Loyalty Drops When When a pet's loyalty drops to "extremely unhappy" the pet tells you it's status after each command. It will remain giving the "Your pet looks rather unhappy." text with every command until its fed or goes wild.
When a pet is not in line of sight of you you get the chance to see the following message: |