Publish 107: Datamined Content
Warning: The following page contains content datamined from the Publish 107 patch. This may include content that has not been made publicly available by the Developers yet. If you would rather experience the content as it is released by the Developers, we suggest you do not view this page.
Updated for Release 2.
We will update this article as necessary based on new/evolving information.
** The Content Below Contains Publish 107 Spoilers **
New 2019 Artisan Festival Rewards
Lanterns |
Paintings |
Pillows |
Sculptures |
New 2019 Holiday Gift Token Rewards
Holiday Wall Art |
Dove Cage |
Jolly Christmas Tree |
Stable Set Deco Bundle (Ultima Store Item)
Craftable Whips
Recipes for all 3 types of whips (Barbed, Bladed, Spiked) will be available as rewards during the Krampus event. All 3 whips have the same material requirement and are made by Tinkers.
New Art Files
Runes of Virtue |
Frozen Corpses |
Glassblowing Station |
Masonry Station |
New Items
Half Cloak |
Quarter Cloak |
Valentine Bear
Speculation on New Content
** Note: This is not confirmed anywhere and should not be taken as such. This is pure speculation based on additions made to the Client Localization (Cliloc) file.
• • • • • • • •
Item Compare Feature for Mannequins
The following Clilocs are for a new Item Compare feature they are adding to Mannequins
1159294 | Target the item you wish to compare. |
1159295 | Compare With Item In Slot |
1159296 | View Suit Stats |
1159297 | View Suit Stats With Selected Item |
• • • • • • • •
Possible New Titles Based On Virtues
The following Clilocs make it sound like there will be new titles available based on The Virtues:
1159320 | |
1159321 | |
1159322 | |
1159323 | |
1159324 | |
1159325 | |
1159326 | |
1159327 |
• • • • • • • •
New Minor Artifact Item Drops
1159317 | ~1_ITEM~ bearing the Fellowship Insignia |
1159318 |
You notice the Fellowship Insignia on your fallen foe's equipment and decide it may be of some value... |
These clilocs are very similar to those they have used in the past for Treasures dungeons (Enchanted Origin, Of The Cult items, Kotl, Doom, etc.) They heard the outcry of lack of Halloween dungeon and armor set drops and are using the Shrine battles to drop decorative armor pieces (these will not be used to turn in for items).
• • • • • • • •
Story Arc Related To The Virtues
1159328 | *Thou ~1_CONDIATION~ truly ~2_VIRTUE~...* |
1159329 | are |
1159330 | are not |
1159331 | Valiant |
1159332 | Spiritual |
1159333 | Sacrificing |
1159334 | Just |
1159335 | Humble |
1159336 | Honorable |
1159337 | Honest |
1159338 | Compassionate |
1159339 | Thous hast proven thou walks the path of Virtue! |
1159340 | Cloak of the Virtuous |
1159361 | Thou art not virtuous... |
1159362 | Thou art virtuous, but have not truly fought for virtue. |
1159363 | Your devotion to virtue has been rewarded. You may choose to claim your reward, or you may choose to apply special properties to your existing reward. |
1159364 | Claim Reward |
1159365 | Convert Existing Reward |
1159366 | You are about to claim your Tabbard of Virtue. The tabbard will be named and hued based on your current devotion to the virtues shown on your character mouseover. Are you sure you wish to claim this tabbard right now? |
1159367 | Tabbard of Virtue |
1159368 | You are about to apply special properties to your Tabbard of Virtue. The item you are applying the special properties from will be destroyed and your Tabbard of Virtue will then have those properties. Do you wish to proceed? |
1159369 | Tabbard of ~1_VIRTUE~ |
1159370 | Thou art virtuous, but have not truly fought for ~1_VIRTUE~ |
1159371 | The item you wish to apply special properties FROM could not be found in your main backpack. Please check your backpack and try again. |
1159372 | The item you wish to apply special properties TO could not be found in your main backpack. Please check your backpack and try again. |
Possibly a continuation of the Mysterious Fragments quest, ultimately resulting in some kind of reward.
The Clilocs related to the Virtue Tabbard are interesting. It almost sounds like they are testing out a new item transmog system (one can hope anyways!) as the Tabbard takes up the Sash/Doublet slot. The cliloc alludes to being able to transfer properties from one item to another.
Per Kyronix on the UO forum: So then - what are you doing the Shrine Battles for? Your participation in the shrine battles will allow you to claim 2 different rewards. Both rewards are new pieces of equipment, and one of those rewards you will be able to use a Hawkwind's Robe to transfer the stats to it. More details and testing of this process will come once we have sufficient testing data on the process of fighting.
• • • • • • • •
Auto Renewing Auction Safes
1159357 | Enable Auto-Renew Auction |
1159358 | Disable Auto-Renew Auction |
1159359 | Auto-Renew Auction |
• • • • • • • •
Pet Whistle
1159360 | Pet Whistle for ~1_name~ |
1159374 | Pet Whistle |
1159375 | Play Dead |
1159376 | Sit |
1159377 | Wait |
1159378 | Simma Down Now |
1159379 | Shamino Placeholder Text |
1159389 | You must calm your pet before using this item. |
1159390 | Target a bonded pet to link this whistle. |
1159391 | You must wait ~1_minutes~ minutes before you can link another pet to this whistle. |
1159392 | You must wait ~1_seconds~ seconds before you can link another pet to this whistle. |
1159393 | Link Bonded Pet |
• • • • • • • •
There are some more potential story/plot spoilers in the Cliloc. The full Cliloc list is below for those that want to read through it.
List of Clilocs added in Publish 107
TID | Text |
1159254 | Holiday Wall Art |
1159255 | Dove Cage |
1159256 | Jolly Holiday Tree |
1159257 | 2019 Holiday Gift Token |
1159258 | recycle |
1159259 | recycle |
1159260 | Crafted By A Glassblower From ~1_WHERE~ |
1159261 | A Cage With A Single ~1_WHERE~ Dove |
1159270 | A Jolly Holiday Tree |
1159271 | |
1159272 | Decorative Stable Set |
1159273 | There is quite a ways to go before the tree will grow! |
1159274 | The tree is very close to being ready to grow! |
1159275 | The tree is about a three-quarters of the way before it will grow! |
1159276 | The tree is about half way before it will grow! |
1159277 | The tree is about a quarter of the way before it will grow! |
1159278 | Receive a decorative stable set that includes a magical wooden cow, magical wooden chicken, decorative wooden palamino horse, decorative feed bag, decorative 5x5 fence, and a functional metal water tub and cow patty. |
1159279 | Equipment Stats |
1159280 | Medable Armor |
1159281 | barbed whip |
1159282 | spiked whip |
1159283 | bladed whip |
1159284 | Naughty Elf's Gloves |
1159285 | Rude Ranger's Tunic |
1159286 | broken wristwatch |
1159287 | Recovered from Krampus' Coinpurse |
1159288 | The gloves appear to be the appropriate size for a elf of small stature. |
1159289 | The tunic appears to be a standard piece of ranger's armor. |
1159290 | The watchface is broken, even though it's probably right twice per day. This is not one of those times. |
1159291 | EQUIPPED |
1159292 | Krampus Star |
1159293 | The star burns bright with Krampus' love, or his ire. Whichever you fancy... |
1159294 | Target the item you wish to compare. |
1159295 | Compare With Item In Slot |
1159296 | View Suit Stats |
1159297 | View Suit Stats With Selected Item |
1159298 | ...the time has finally come... |
1159299 | ...under my guidance...Britannia will flourish!... |
1159300 | ...all the people shall rejoice...and pay homage!... |
1159301 |, shall kneel!... |
1159302 | shall aknowledge my authority!... |
1159303 | ...I shall be your master!... |
1159304 | you really know where you're going?... |
1159305 | ...Go Away!... |
1159306 | ...Go inside! Tell them!... |
1159307 | ...Ha, ha, ha!.... |
1159308 | not believe him!... |
1159309 | me, for I am your companion... |
1159310 | * You attempt to read the journal but the characters are jumbled in your field of vision. Now your head hurts. * |
1159311 | Jack Journal TID |
1159312 | Enabled and disabled through a context menu on the item this property affects damage spells aimed at a single target. The first spell has a damage modifier of -30% subsequent spells increase in increments of 6% until 00% then in increments of 2%, until +20% |
1159313 | Increases the strength requirement of the item to 125. This property ignores Lower Requirements. |
1159314 | Increased item weight to 50 stones. |
1159315 | Lower Ammo Cost |
1159316 | Increases your skill points in a particular skill, up to, but not exceeding your cap in that skill. |
1159317 | ~1_ITEM~ bearing the Fellowship Insignia |
1159318 | You notice the Fellowship Insignia on your fallen foe's equipment and decide it may be of some value... |
1159319 | Use Transparent Gump |
1159320 | |
1159321 | |
1159322 | |
1159323 | |
1159324 | |
1159325 | |
1159326 | |
1159327 | |
1159328 | *Thou ~1_CONDIATION~ truly ~2_VIRTUE~...* |
1159329 | are |
1159330 | are not |
1159331 | Valiant |
1159332 | Spiritual |
1159333 | Sacrificing |
1159334 | Just |
1159335 | Humble |
1159336 | Honorable |
1159337 | Honest |
1159338 | Compassionate |
1159339 | Thous hast proven thou walks the path of Virtue! |
1159340 | Cloak of the Virtuous |
1159341 | *You strum the lute, it is tuned to ~1_NOTE~* |
1159342 | *You hear a click as the chest in the corner unlocks!* |
1159343 | Sheet Music for Stones |
1159344 | Recovered from a Stronbox in Castle British with a Musical Lock |
1159345 | Standard sheet music for the seminal Stones by Iolo the Bard. Written, unsurprisingly, for the lute. |
1159346 | Admiral Jack Shipwrecked! Shrines & Virtue Crumble! |
1159347 | Town Cryer Article Text for Jack |
1159348 | Ghost TID 1 |
1159349 | Ghost TID 2 |
1159350 | Ghost TID 3 |
1159351 | Ghost TID 4 |
1159352 | Ghost TID 5 |
1159353 | Auction Item |
1159354 | Non Auction Item |
1159355 | Sandalwood Box |
1159356 | The corpse is frozen solid and appears to have suffered a blow to the back of the head. Bits of what appear to be a large pumpkin lay frozen in the snow. The corpse clutches an amulet in the right hand. The cause of death was most likely exposure following a blow to the head when the ship wrecked. |
1159357 | Enable Auto-Renew Auction |
1159358 | Disable Auto-Renew Auction |
1159359 | Auto-Renew Auction |
1159360 | Pet Whistle for ~1_name~ |
1159361 | Thou art not virtuous... |
1159362 | Thou art virtuous, but have not truly fought for virtue. |
1159363 | Your devotion to virtue has been rewarded. You may choose to claim your reward, or you may choose to apply special properties to your existing reward. |
1159364 | Claim Reward |
1159365 | Convert Existing Reward |
1159366 | You are about to claim your Tabbard of Virtue. The tabbard will be named and hued based on your current devotion to the virtues shown on your character mouseover. Are you sure you wish to claim this tabbard right now? |
1159367 | Tabbard of Virtue |
1159368 | You are about to apply special properties to your Tabbard of Virtue. The item you are applying the special properties from will be destroyed and your Tabbard of Virtue will then have those properties. Do you wish to proceed? |
1159369 | Tabbard of ~1_VIRTUE~ |
1159370 | Thou art virtuous, but have not truly fought for ~1_VIRTUE~ |
1159371 | The item you wish to apply special properties FROM could not be found in your main backpack. Please check your backpack and try again. |
1159372 | The item you wish to apply special properties TO could not be found in your main backpack. Please check your backpack and try again. |
1159373 | Updated: This item can only be linked to a bonded pet. |
1159374 | Pet Whistle |
1159375 | Play Dead |
1159376 | Sit |
1159377 | Wait |
1159378 | Simma Down Now |
1159379 | Shamino Placeholder Text |
1159380 | * You attempt to understand the spirit but your connection to them is weak... * |
1159381 | Sherri Convo Gump |
1159382 | * You cannot quite focus your connection to the ethereal world... * |
1159383 | Box Gump TID |
1159384 | A Voice from the Past |
1159385 | * Your connection to the ethereal void is not honed, you cannot pass... * |
1159386 | Ankh of V Placeholder Text |
1159387 | Hawkwind |
1159388 | What's that? |
1159389 | You must calm your pet before using this item. |
1159390 | Target a bonded pet to link this whistle. |
1159391 | You must wait ~1_minutes~ minutes before you can link another pet to this whistle. |
1159392 | You must wait ~1_seconds~ seconds before you can link another pet to this whistle. |
1159393 | Link Bonded Pet |