Ultima Online Pet Abilites


Aura of Nausea

Description: Trains the creature in the Aura of Nausea area effect, causing nearby targets to suffer a reduction in swing speed, hit chance, defense chance, and faster casting.
Ability Type: Area of Effect
Training Cost: 100 Training Points
Mana Cost: 100
Damage: None
Damage Type: None
Proc/Spell/Replace: Spell
Stat Modifiers: None
Debuffs: -60% defense chance increase.
-60% hit chance increase.
-60% swing speed increase.
-5 faster casting.
Debuffs for 4 seconds.
Healing/Buffs: None
Journal Text: Text when hit: Your enemy's putrid presence envelops you, overwhelming you with nausea.
Other Notes: Aura of Nausea is an extremely potent debuff, but at an extremely high mana cost.

Note: Aura of Nausea is locked behind the Poisoning skill.

The pet must innately have poisoning or poison damage in order to train Aura of Nausea. You can also unlock the ability to train Aura of Nausea by training the pet in the Poisoning Magical Ability.

Pets Capable of Learning Aura of Nausea
Bake Kitsune
Bake Kitsune (Legacy)
Bane Dragon
Coconut Crab
Cold Drake
Crimson Drake
Cu Sidhe
Deathwatch Beetle
Dire Wolf
Dragon (Legacy)
Dragon Wolf
Dread Spider
Dread Warhorse
Fire Beetle
Fire Steed
Frost Drake
Frost Mite
Frost Spider
Giant Beetle
Grizzled Mare
Hell Hound
High Plains Boura
Hungry Coconut Crab
Iron Beetle
Lava Lizard
Moldering Ursine
Nightmare (Legacy)
Ossein Ram
Platinum Drake
Sabre-Toothed Tiger
Serpentine Dragon
Shadow Hound
Shadow Wyrm
Skeletal Cat
Stygian Drake
Tsuki Wolf
Vollem (Legacy)
White Wyrm
White Wyrm (Legacy)
Wildfire Ostard


Description: The description of the ability as given in the training menu.
Ability Type: The Ability Classificatiion (Special Ability, Special Move, Area of Effect).
Training Cost: The cost (in Training Points) required for the pet to learn this ability.
Mana Cost: The mana cost of each use of the ability.
Damage: The observed Damage Range of the ability against a target with 0 Resists.
Damage Type:

The damage type of the ability:
Phsyical, Fire, Cold, Poison, Energy, or Direct.

Note: Direct damage (also "True" damage) ignores resists.

Proc/Spell/Replace: Denotes how the ability triggers.

Proc on Hit: A 'Proc on Hit' means the ability can trigger (proc) when your pet performs a normal melee hit.
Proc when Hit: A 'Proc when Hit' means the ability can trigger (proc) when your pet is hit by an attack.
Spell: A Spell means the pet will stop all other attacks in order to cast the ability.
Replace: Replace means when the ability is triggered it will replace the next melee attack.
Stat Modifiers: Do stats (such as Str, Int, or Base Damage) appear to affect the ability damage in any way.
Debuffs: Any Debuffs the ability applies
Healing: Any Healing the ability applies
Journal Text: Text that will appear in your journal if you are hit by this ability.
Other Notes: Any other notes or observations about the ability worth mentioning.