Pet Damage Calculator
Base Damage Strength Tactics Anatomy Damage Increase Chivalry
Pack Instinct Members (0-5): Target Resist Value:

Base Damage

In this field, enter you pet's current base damage range. This is the range that shows in the Animal Lore page.
Here are standard caps based on control slot (note, certain pets come with different ranges, so make sure to check your specific pet):

5 Control Slots: 24 - 33
4 Control Slots: 18 - 25

Strength In this field, enter your pet's Strength (or the Strength value you want to test out). If left empty or invalid, defaults to 700.
Tactics In this field, enter your pet's Tactics level. You can either enter the current amount, or the potential cap to see how applying scrolls will modify damage. If left empty or invalid, defaults to 100.
Anatomy In this field, enter your pet's Anatomy level. You can either enter the current amount, or the potential cap to see how applying scrolls will modify damage. If left empty or invalid, defaults to 100.
Damage Increase In this field you can account for any Damage Increase items you want to add to the calculations. Pets do not get Damage Increase items, but can receive Damage Increase via Masteries or Bard Auras. If left empty or invalid, defaults to 0.
Chivalry In this field, enter your pet's Chivalry level, if your pet has Chivalry. The Chivalry level of a pet makes a big difference in how much Chivalry spells will modify a pet's damage output. If left empty or invalid, defaults to 0.
Pack Instinct In this field, enter the number of pets under your control that share the same Pack Instincts. Pack Instinct information can be found on the Animal Lore gump. This is a damage modifier that increases the damage all Pack Instinct pets inflict by 25% per additional pet (100% max with 5 pets).
Target Resist Value In this field, enter the resist value you want to target for calculations. By default, this is 0 and a spread of resists is shown. However, you can simulate certain debuffs by entering a target resist in this field.