Magic Arrow |

Cost: |
4 Mana |
Description: |
Shoots a magical arrow at the target which deals fire damage. |
Notes: |
Nothing special to note, very minimal damage.
Appearance: Appears as a blue/white trail of sparkes, looks very similar to Energy Bolt on EC.
Harm |

Cost: |
6 Mana |
Description: |
Affects the target with a chilling effect, dealing Cold damage. The closer the target is to the caster, the more damage is dealt. |
Notes: |
Nothing special to note, minimal damage with a damage increase the closer your pet is to the target.
Appearance: Appears as a red circle around the target, with a blue starburst in the center.
Strength |

Cost: |
6 Mana |
Description: |
Temporarily increases target's Strength. |
Notes: |
Magery pets will cast Strength only on themselves, and they like to cast it often.
Appearance: Appears as a multicolored sparkles over your pet.
Bless |
Cost: |
9 Mana |
Description: |
Temporarily increases target's Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence. |
Notes: |
Magery pets will Bless only themselves, and they like to cast it often.
Appearance: Bless appears as blue orbs/sparkles around your pet.
Fireball |

Cost: |
9 Mana |
Description: |
Shoots a ball of roiling flames at a target, dealing Fire Damage. |
Notes: |
Nothing special to note, does minimal damage.
Appearance: Fireball appears as a ball of fire that flies from your pet to your target.
Poison |
Cost: |
9 Mana |
Description: |
The target is afflicted by poison, of a strength determined by the caster's Magery and Poison skills, and the distance from the target. |
Notes: |
Magery pets will cast the Poison spell on their targets. The Poison skill does affect the potency of the Poison, but this only applies to pets with Innate Poisoning, as once you override Magery with the Poisoning Magical, you cannot switch back to Magery again.
Appearance: Poison appears as a green cloud over your target.
Arch Cure |
Cost: |
11 Mana |
Description: |
Neutralizes poisons on all characters within a small radius around the caster. |
Notes: |
Magery pets will cast Arch Cure on themselves to remove poison, however it is not an AoE like when a player casts it.
Appearance: Arch Cure appears as a swirling line of green spiraling around your pet.
Greater Heal |
Cost: |
11 Mana |
Description: |
Heals the target for a medium amount of lost Hit Points. |
Notes: |
Magery pets will only cast Greater Heal on themselves.
Appearance: Greater Heal appears as a swirling blue/white light that spirals around your pet.
Lightning |
Cost: |
11 Mana |
Description: |
Strikes the target with a bolt of lightning, which deals Energy damage. |
Notes: |
Nothing special to note, minimal damage.
Appearance: Lightning appears as a lightning bolt over your target.
Paralyze |
Cost: |
14 Mana |
Description: |
Immobilizes the target for a brief amount of time. The target's Resisting Spells skill affects the duration of the immobilization. |
Notes: |
Magery pets will cast Paralyze, though it is often resisted due to the high Resisting Spells of most bosses in the game.
Appearance: Appears as a pulsing blue circle over the target.
Energy Bolt |
Cost: |
20 Mana |
Description: |
Fires a bolt of magical force at the target, dealing Energy damage. |
Notes: |
Magery pets will cast Energy Bolt at their target for moderate damage.
Appearance: Energy Bolt appears as a trail of white/blue sparkles that start at your pet and fly to the target.
Explosion |
Cost: |
20 Mana |
Description: |
Strikes the target with an explosive blast of energy, dealing Fire damage. |
Notes: |
Magery pets will cast Explosion on their target. The damage is slightly delayed after casting it, and it usually cast alongside Flamestrike as a combo.
Appearance: Explosion appears as a fiery burst from the target once it detonates.
Flamestrike |
Cost: |
40 Mana |
Description: |
Envelopes the target in a column of magical flame that deals Fire damage. |
Notes: |
Magery pets will cast Flamestrike on their target. Flamestrike is usually cast immediately after Explosion to create a spell combo.
Appearance: Flamestrike appears as a pillar of fire over the target.