Pet Taming and Control Chance Calculator Use this calculator to determine your chance to successfully tame, control and command a pet.
Beginning Advanced Animal Training This guide details how to start the Advanced Animal Training process as an Animal Tamer in Ultima Online. Tags Animal Training Training Pet Training 101
Color Charts: Cu Sidhe A visual look at the different colors of Cu Sidhes in Ultima Online Tags Color Chart Cu Sidhe
Foundations: Hit Point Regeneration Foundations are an article set designed to give new and existing tamers a base understanding of the taming system as it applies to all pets. This Foundations article will go over the HPR stat and how it applies to pets in Ultima Online. Tags Foundations HPR Effective Health Attributes
Color Charts: Stygian Drake A visual look at the different colors of Stygian Drakes in Ultima Online Tags Color Chart Stygian Drake
What are "Legacy" or "Pre-Patch" Pets? This article will help you understand what makes a pet a "Legacy" or "Pre-Patch" pet in Ultima Online. Tags Legacy Pet Pre-Patch Pet In-Depth
Ultima Online Krampus Event Krampus is coming back to Ultima Online! Updated for Pub 107 rewards. Follow this guide to understand exactly what you need to do to participate! Tags Pub 103 Krampus Pub 107 UO Events